REBELS oval hoops

65 €
Our suggestions for mix&match / Naše preporuke za mix&match
  • TINY BLACK STARS earrings / TINY BLACK STARS naušnice
  • FRAGMENT dots / FRAGMENT točkice
  • REBELS classic hoops
  • SNOW SHOWER earrings / SNOW SHOWER naušnice
  • REBELS drop stud earrings

Material / Materijal

·        stainless steel components / čelične komponente

·        silver _ rose gold plated / posrebreno_pozlaćeno

·        hoop silver, gold or rosegold / ring posrebren ili pozlaćen

       HOOP comes with ' ROUND' front part (as in first photo / RING dolazi s prednjim dijelom poput 'kuglice' (kao na fotografiji)

·        HOOP mixable with other front parts / RING se može kombinirati s različitim prednjim tipom naušnice

·        Choose extras lower on page / Odaberite dodatke niže na stranici

·        Naušnice se kupuju POJEDINAČNO ili u PARU

Size / Veličina

·        hoop diameter 4x1.6 cm / promjer ringa 4x1.6 cm

Packaging / Pakiranje

·        branded package with a message / pakiranje

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